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Vision and mission

Our Vision

To become an international theological institution that can produce faithful, qualified and highly dedicated Christian leaders based on the teaching of Reformed theology and the Evangelical spirit to serve every human being in general, and Christians in particular.

Our Mission

Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Sarjana Teologi, Magister Teologi, dan Doktor TeologiĀ  yang dilandasi oleh teologi Reformed dan semangat Injili dengan kualifikasi memiliki kemampuan yang tinggi dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat.

Our Aim

  1. To become an international theological institution that can produce faithful, qualified and highly dedicated Christian leaders based on the teaching of Reformed theology and Evangelical spirit.
  2. To become an independent and well-governed theological institution.