Dosen Tetap
Rev. Ir. Agus Marjanto
M.Div., M.Th.
Ir., Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Jakarta.
M.Div., STT Reformed Indonesia, Jakarta.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Biblical and Systematic Theology
Pdt. Antonius Steven Un
S.Kom., M.Div., M.Th., M.Hum., Ph.D.
S.Kom., Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta.
M.Div., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
M.Hum, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
Ph.D., Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Socio-Political Philosophy and Contemporary Theology
Pdt. Audy Santoso
B.Eng., M.Div., M.Th., Ph.D.
B. Eng., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
M.Div., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
M. Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Ph.D., Theologische Universiteit (TU) Apeldoorn, Netherlands.
Systematic and Biblical Theology
Pdt. Prof. Ir. Benyamin F. Intan
M.A., M.A.R., Ph.D.
Ir., Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya.
M.A., Reformed Theological Seminary, USA.
M.A. in Religion (M.A.R.), Yale University, USA.
Ph.D., Boston College, USA.
Ethics and Public Theology
Pdt. Billy Kristanto
Dipl. Mus., M.C.S., Mag. theol., Dr. phil., Dr. theol.
Dipl.Mus., Hochschule der Künste, Berlin.
M.C.S., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
Mag. theol., Ruprecht Universität, Germany.
Dr. phil., Universität Heidelberg, Germany.
Dr. theol., Universität Heidelberg, Germany.
Systematic Theology and Historical Theology
Pdt. Calvin Bangun
S.I.Pol., M.Th.
S.I.Pol., Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Historical and contemporary theology
Pdt. Hendry Ongkowidjojo
M.Div., Th.M., D.Th.
S.E., Widya Mandala, Surabaya.
M.Div., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
Th.M., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA.
D.Th., Trinity Theological College, Singapore.
New Testament Biblical Theology
Indah Lestari Hertanto
B.M., M.M., M.Mus.
B.M., Towson University, USA.
M.M., Towson University, USA.
M.Mus., Manhattan School of Music, USA.
Pdt. Ivan Adi Raharjo
B.S.E., M.Th., Ph.D. (Cand.)
B.S.E., University of Melbourne, Australia.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Ph.D. (Cand.), Theologische Universiteit (TU) Apeldoorn, Netherlands.
Systematic and Contemporary Theology
Pdt. Jack David Kawira
S.E, M.Th., M.A., Ph.D. (Cand.)
S.E., Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia, Jakarta.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
M.A., Theologishe Universiteit (TU) Kampen, Netherlands.
Ph.D. (Cand.), Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Old Testament Biblical Theology
Pdt. Jadi S. Lima
S.Th., M.Div., M.A., M.Th.
S.Th., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
M.Div., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
M.A., Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, Netherlands.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Philosophy and Hermeneutics
Pdt. Jethro Yuzvin Rachmadi
B.Mus., M.Th.
B.Mus., University of Melbourne, Australia.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Biblical and Liturgical
Pdt. Jimmy Pardede
S.E., M.A., M.Th.
S.E., Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta.
M.A., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili International, Jakarta.
Pdt. Dr. Johanis Putratama Kamuri
S.Th., M.Div., M.Th., M.Hum., Dr.
S.Th., Institut Injil Indonesia, Malang.
M.Div., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
M.Hum., Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
Dr. , Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
Social Philosophy and Contextual Theology
Pdt. Lay Hendra Wijaya
S.E., M.C.S., M.Th.
S.E., Universitas Tarumanegara, Jakarta.
M.C.S., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Systematics and Philosophy
Pdt. Liem Kok Han
S.Th., M.Th.
S.Th., Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara, Malang
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Missiology and Contemporary Theology
Vik. Maria W. Mazo
S.Th., M.Div.
S.Th., STT Jaffray, Jakarta.
M.Div., Asian Theological Seminary, Philippines.
Practical Theology
Pdt. Rudie Gunawan
S.Th., M.Th.
S.Th., Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara, Malang.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Biblical and Practical
Pdt. Stevri Indra Lumintang
S.Th., Th.M., D.Min., D.Mis., Th.D., D.Ed.
S.Th., Indonesian Bible Institute, Batu.
Th.M., International Theological Seminary, Los Angeles, USA.
D.Min., International Theological Seminary, Los Angeles, USA.
D.Mis., Consortium for Graduate Program in Christian Studies corporation with Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena.
Th.D., International Theological Seminary, Los Angeles, USA.
D.Ed., State University of Jakarta.
Missiology and Religious Pluralism
Pdt. Surya Harefa
B.Comm., M.Th., M.A., Ph.D.
B.Comm., Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
M.A., Theologische Universiteit (TU) Kampen, Netherlands.
Ph.D., Theologische Universiteit (TU) Kampen, Netherlands.
Historical Theology
Pdt. Sutjipto Subeno
S.Th., M.Div., M.Th.
S.Th., STT Reformed Indonesia, Jakarta.
M.Div., STT Reformed Indonesia, Jakarta.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
New Testament Biblical Theology and Practice
Pdt. Dr. Tumpal Hutahaean
S.Th., M.A., M.Th., Dr.
S.Th., Sekolah Teologi Reformed Indonesia, Jakarta.
M.A., Institut Injil Indonesia, Malang.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Dr., Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta.
Practical and Contextual Theology
Pdt. Yakub Kartawidjaja
B.Mus., M.Ed., M.Th., Ph.D.
B.Mus., University of Southern Queensland, Australia.
M.Ed., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
M.Th., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
Ph.D., Theologische Universiteit (TU) Apeldoorn, Netherlands.
Historical and Liturgical Theology
Dosen Tamu
Pdt. Aiter
S.Kom., M.Div.
S.Kom., STMIK Bina Nusantara, Jakarta.
M.Div., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
Old Testament Bible
Pdt. Eko Aria
S.E., M.Div.
S.E., Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya.
M.Div., Institut Reformed, Jakarta.
The Bible and the New Testament
Vik. Ester G. Nasrani
M.A., M.Mus.
M.A., Criswell Bible Institute, USA.
M.Mus., Biola University, USA.
Church Music
Eunice Tong
B.A., M.Mus.
B.A., Calvin College, USA.
M.Mus., Westminster Choir College, USA.
Music and Conductor
Pdt. Ivan Kristiono
S.Sn., M.Div., M.Hum.
S.Sn., Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta.
M.Div., STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta.
M.Hum., STF Driyarkara, Jakarta.
Practical Theology and Philosophy
Rebecca Tong
B.A, M.M.
B.A., Calvin College, USA.
M.M. College-Conservatory of Music, USA.
Music and Conductor
Pdt. Romeo Q. Mazo
B.Sc., M.Div.
B.Sc., Divine Word College, Philippines.
M.Div., Asian Theological Seminary, Philippines.
Practical Theology
Dosen Tamu
- Pdt. Indu’ Yohanis Panggalo, S.Th., M.Th., D.Th.
- Ev. Ina E. Muljono Hidayat, B.Th., M.T.S., Th.M.
- Ev. Inawaty Teddy, B.Comm., M.Div., Th.M.
- Ev. Melani Barlian, M.Div., Th.M.
- Ir. Helda Siahaan, M.M.
Profesor Tamu
- Prof. Augustus Nicodemus Lopes, Ph.D.
- Prof. Andrew McCafferty, Ph.D.
- Prof. Andrew T. B. McGowan, Ph.D.
- Prof. Cornelis Van der Kooi, Ph.D.
- Prof. David B. Garner, Ph.D.
- Prof. Davi Gomes, Ph.D.
- Prof. Gerald L. Bray, Ph.D.
- Prof. Govert J. Buijs, Ph.D.
- Prof. Henk Stoker, Ph.D.
- Prof. Herman J. Selderhuis, Ph.D.
- Prof. H.G.L. (Eric) Peels, Ph.D.
- Prof. Iain Duguid, Ph.D.
- Prof. James R. Newheiser, Jr., Ph.D.
- Prof. James W. Skillen, Ph.D.
- Prof. Jason Yeung, Ph.D.
- Prof. Jeffrey K. Jue, Ph.D.
- Prof. Joseph T. Shao, Ph.D.
- Prof. Julius Kim, Ph.D.
- Prof. K. Scott Oliphint, Ph.D.
- Prof. Lane G. Tipton, Ph.D.
- Prof. Ligon Duncan, Ph.D.
- Prof. Luder G. Whitlock, Jr., Ph.D.
- Prof. Matthew Ebenezer, Ph.D.
- Prof. Mauro Meister, Ph.D.
- Prof. Michael Horton, Ph.D.
- Prof. M.J. (Maarten) Kater, Ph.D.
- Prof. Paul Lim, Ph.D.
- Prof. Paul R. Wells, Ph.D.
- Prof. Peter A. Lilback, Ph.D.
- Prof. Peter Jones, Ph.D.
- Prof. Pierre Berthoud, Ph.D.
- Prof. P.H.R. (Rob) van Houwelingen, Ph.D.
- Prof. Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Ph.D.
- Prof. Richard L. Pratt Jr., Ph.D.
- Prof. Samuel Ling, Ph.D.
- Prof. Sander Griffioen, Ph.D.
- Prof. Sinclair Ferguson, Ph.D.
- Prof. Stephen Chan, Ph.D.
- Prof. Stephen Coleman, Ph.D.
- Prof. Timothy George, Ph.D.
- Prof. Vern S. Poythress, Ph.D.
- Prof. W. Andrew Hoffecker, Ph.D.
- Prof. William Edgar, Ph.D.