International Reformed Evangelical Seminary
A Reformed Fortress with Evangelistic Zeal
International Reformed Evangelical Seminary has three levels of educational programs. All of which are designed to comply with the vision and mission of International Reformed Evangelical Seminary.
About Us
We are called to re-establish firm faith, faith that is rooted in God's revelation, theology and evangelism that is faithful to the Bible, and the spirit and the essence of orthodox apologetics to direct, lead and evaluate the culture.
Regarding registration, admission procedures, funding and scholarship policies.
The Augustine’s Library of the International Reformed Evangelical Seminary has hundreds of thousands of books, theological journals, general journals, articles, essays, reviews in physical and electronic form
Untrue pleasant words are worthless, true unpleasant words are priceless.
"Stephen Tong
Founder & Honorary Chairman
Life on Campus
International Reformed Evangelical Seminary uses various learning methods such as classroom learning, library research, field research, discussions, tutorials, (assistance), personal and mass evangelism practices, counselling guidance, fellowship, retreat, sports and recreation.
Kalender Akademik
Rev. Ir. Agus Marjanto
M.Div., M.Th.Field of study: Biblical and Systematic Theology
Pdt. Antonius Steven Un
S.Kom., M.Div., M.Th., M.Hum., Ph.D.Field of study: Socio-Political Philosophy and Contemporary Theology
Pdt. Audy Santoso
B.Eng., M.Div., M.Th., Ph.D.Field of study: Systematic and Biblical Theology
Pdt. Prof. Ir. Benyamin F. Intan
M.A., M.A.R., Ph.D.Field of study: Ethics and Public Theology
Pdt. Billy Kristanto
Dipl. Mus., M.C.S., Mag. theol., Dr. phil., Dr. theol.Field of study: Systematic Theology and Historical Theology
Pdt. Calvin Bangun
S.I.Pol., M.Th.Field of study: Historical and contemporary theology
Pdt. Hendry Ongkowidjojo
M.Div., Th.M., D.Th.Field of study: New Testament Biblical Theology
Indah Lestari Hertanto
B.M., M.M., M.Mus.Field of study: Music
Pdt. Ivan Adi Raharjo
B.S.E., M.Th., Ph.D. (Cand.)Field of study: Systematic and Contemporary Theology
Pdt. Jack David Kawira
S.E, M.Th., M.A., Ph.D. (Cand.)Field of study: Old Testament Biblical Theology
Pdt. Jadi S. Lima
S.Th., M.Div., M.A., M.Th.Field of study: Philosophy and Hermeneutics
Pdt. Jethro Yuzvin Rachmadi
B.Mus., M.Th.Field of study: Biblical and Liturgical
Pdt. Jimmy Pardede
S.E., M.A., M.Th.Field of study: History
Pdt. Dr. Johanis Putratama Kamuri
S.Th., M.Div., M.Th., M.Hum., Dr.Field of study: Social Philosophy and Contextual Theology
Pdt. Lay Hendra Wijaya
S.E., M.C.S., M.Th.Field of study: Systematics and Philosophy
Pdt. Liem Kok Han
S.Th., M.Th.Field of study: Missiology and Contemporary Theology
Vik. Maria W. Mazo
S.Th., M.Div.Field of study: Practical Theology
Pdt. Rudie Gunawan
S.Th., M.Th.Field of study: Biblical and Practical
Pdt. Stevri Indra Lumintang
S.Th., Th.M., D.Min., D.Mis., Th.D., D.Ed.Field of study: Missiology and Religious Pluralism
Pdt. Surya Harefa
B.Comm., M.Th., M.A., Ph.D.Field of study: Historical Theology
Pdt. Sutjipto Subeno
S.Th., M.Div., M.Th.Field of study: New Testament Biblical Theology and Practice
Pdt. Dr. Tumpal Hutahaean
S.Th., M.A., M.Th., Dr.Field of study: Practical and Contextual Theology
Pdt. Yakub Kartawidjaja
B.Mus., M.Ed., M.Th., Ph.D.Field of study: Historical and Liturgical Theology
Pdt. Aiter
S.Kom., M.Div.Field of study: Old Testament Bible
Pdt. Eko Aria
S.E., M.Div.Field of study: The Bible and the New Testament
Vik. Ester G. Nasrani
M.A., M.Mus.Field of study: Church Music
Eunice Tong
B.A., M.Mus.Field of study: Music and Conductor
Pdt. Ivan Kristiono
S.Sn., M.Div., M.Hum.Field of study: Practical Theology and Philosophy
Rebecca Tong
B.A, M.M.Field of study: Music and Conductor
Pdt. Romeo Q. Mazo
B.Sc., M.Div.Field of study: Practical Theology
Field of study: -
Field of study: -
STT Reformed Injili Internasional membuka Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru dalam 4 (empat) gelombang setiap tahunnya. Secara umum, prosedur penerimaan mahasiswa baru dapat ditempuh melalui beberapa tahap antara lain.
Deadline for Document Collection:
TA 2025/2026
Phase I : 4 November 2024
Intake II : 5 Mei 2025
Intake III : 2 Juni 2025
Intake IV : 7 Juli 2025
The International Reformed Evangelical Seminary (formerly the Reformed Institute) started as a movement led by the Holy Spirit when Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong was on a flight from America to Singapore in 1995.
Memorandum of Understanding