Confession of Faith
Pengakuan Iman Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia
Together with the fellowship of the visible Church, we adhere to the universal confessions of faith such as the Apostles' Creed, the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, the Athanasian Creed and the Chalcedonian Creed. And together with the fellowship of the Reformed Church around the world, we recognize confessions of faith such as the Westminster Confession of Faith and its Shorter and Larger Catechism, Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession of Faith, Canon of Dort. We also plainly state the Reformed Evangelical Confession of Faith which together with the confessions of faith above form the basis of the orthodox faith of the International Reformed Evangelical Seminary.
We believe in the only living and true God, who is eternal and whose existence is dependent on Himself, who transcends and precedes all creation, who in eternity are in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, namely One God, who created the universe from nothing by His powerful Word, who sustains and rules all that He has created and maintains His eternal decrees.
We believe that the Bible, both the Old and the New Testaments, is the perfect revelation of God which was inspired by the Holy Spirit to their authors and is therefore infallibly true in the original text. The Bible reveals in it the testimony of the Holy Spirit, and is the sole and absolute authority for faith and life, for individuals, the church and the society. We believe that the Bible is without error in everything it teaches, including those concerning history and science.
We believe that man have been uniquely created in the image of God, created with holiness, righteousness and true knowledge; and commanded by God to live the thoughts of God as an obedient covenant-keeper; he is entrusted to rule and to work out God's other creations for God's glory. We believe that all aspects of life should be lived under God's commandments as an expression of obedience to God's laws.
We believe that in Adam who was the representative of all mankind, all mankind has fallen into sin and death: spiritually dead, deserving God’s righteous wrath, without hope and without help to obtain salvation, be it by themselves, by others, or by anything in this world.
We believe that God in eternity has made a covenant for His elect, with Jesus Christ as Head, that through the perfect obedience of Jesus Christ and His death as a substitute for man on the cross, Christ had satisfied God's wrath against His people. Through the power of Christ's resurrection, God continually calls and gathers His people from all ages and all nations to become a royal priesthood and a holy nation to His glory.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Triune God, true God and true man, the only Mediator between God and man and mankind’s only Savior: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived without sin, crucified, died and rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, sat at the right hand of God the Father to intercede for His people as the victorious High Priest and full of understanding, that He will come again in His glorified body, visible and imminent, to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Triune God, the Divine Inspirer of the Bible, who convicts people of their sin through His Word, who regenerates them so that faith and repentance in Jesus Christ will grow for salvation; He empowers believers with the power to obey God's laws; He bestows upon the Church of Jesus Christ gifts for the ministry of the saints; He intercedes for the faithful with unspeakable groans for and until the day of glorification of God's people.
We believe in one holy and holy Church, consisting of all God’s elects from all the ages, a part of which is now gathered in the local churches. The local churches must manifest the nature of this holy catholic Church by keeping the teaching pure according to the Bible, by prioritizing truth-based unity in the bonds of love with other local churches from various existing denominations, by reflecting God’s glory in worship, in the teaching of the Word of God, in the ordinances of baptism and of the Lord’s Supper, in fellowship, in the exercise of discipline in love, and in ministry and in mission.
We believe that the Church exists in this world to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to assert Christ’s lordship through real actions. The Church carries out Jesus Christ’s mission to establish God’s Kingdom governance on earth through evangelistic efforts and other efforts to declare and to realize righteousness and justice in love to renew the world.
We believe that the Church, its officers, and the laypersons, as God’s people, is the key to evangelization and discipleship of all the world’s nations until Christ comes in glory to bring into completion the fulfilment of His Kingdom.
Pengakuan Iman Penginjilan Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia
- I believe in the Gospel as the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes.
- I believe in one God in three Persons, Creator of mankind and the universe, the Supreme Judge over all sins and the fountain of man’s salvation.
- I believe that the fall of man is a historical fact that causes pollution to the whole human nature. For that reason, man is incapable of saving himself.
- I believe in God's sovereign grace towards man unworthy to receive salvation, who elects His people in His supreme wisdom by His eternal decree, and works out in the dynamic process of history, to redeem those in his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
- I believe that the incarnation of Jesus Christ through the virgin birth, His sinless life, crucifixion, death, resurrection, and ascension are historical facts that constitute the essence and message of the Gospel, as the only means of attaining God’s salvation.
- I believe in the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ, contained in His substitutive(substitution), propitiative (propitiation), redemptive (redemption) , and reconciliatory sacrifice (reconciliation) that gives new life to man
- I believe in the preaching of the Gospel as the only good news, that provides the foundation for a blessed life and an eternal hope for mankind.
Evangelism is:
- The living witness of true Christians who submit themselves to God's commandments.
- The creation of personal encounters between sinners and God, through the intermediation of Jesus Christ.
- The cause that produces saving faith in man's heart.
- The key to church growth and delight in His eternal presence.
- I believe that repentance is the evidence of the new birth from the Holy Spirit who generates true faith in Jesus Christ and brings forth the fruits of new life.
- I believe in the anointing of the Holy Spirit in evangelism in the form of courage, wisdom, power, and joy to be a witness for those who obey Jesus Christ's Great Commission.
- I believe in the finality of the Gospel which is perfect in itself, which cannot be replaced or compared to other religious thoughts, philosophical ideas, and worldly good deeds (those things differ qualitatively), or to cultural mandates and social concerns in the orthodox and the evangelical faiths (those things are only supplementary for the pre- and post-evangelism), or to the gift of the Holy Spirit, miracles, and signs and wonders in the Bible (which God may use at times to attest His Gospel). We must uphold the completeness of the Gospel.
- I believe in the unchanging power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is able to preserve His redeemed people and to transform society through their witnesses until the day of consummation of glory when Christ returns again.